There is a staggering amount of real estate market data for the entire state of Connecticut at your fingertips within the SmartMLS Stats platform. Don't miss the opportunity to leverage this data and serve your clients more efficiently.
When you are logged into connectMLS, there are a couple ways to access the SmartMLS Stats:
- There is a link within the Tools, Resources & Links widget on the Connect homepage:
- You can also access SmartMLS Stats from the Reports menu in the top left corner of Connect:
Regardless of how you access the platform, you will be brought directly to the SmartMLS Stats dashboard:
- The PDF Reports section at the top of the dashboard gives you access to several preset PDF reports.
- The Data Tools section puts you in charge of the data by providing configurable search tools and other resources to help you find relevant market data. The MarketReports and ComparisonReports tools each open in a separate browser tab, allowing you to easily toggle between them and the main SmartMLS Stats dashboard. Additonally, each section contains its own array of reports and resources to provide the most comprehensive market data available.
There are also short tutorial videos and a training documents for each data tool to assist you with their specific nuances and use cases.
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